

Choosing an Executive Coach


There are many professional coaches in the market adding value for clients in varying personal and professional contextual situations. Knowing how to select the right partner as your executive coach can sometimes be complicated. Here are a few points worth considering.


Experience & credentials 経験&資格

Although experience and certification isn’t everything, it’s a good place to start. Inquire as to how many hours of formal coaching they have? What coach credential do they own? What criteria was required in receiving this credential? How much experience have they had coaching people in your context?

- コーチングを正式に実施した時間数
- コーチの資格の種類
- 資格を得るまでに必要であった基準
- 自身と同じタイトル/状況にいたクライアントをコーチングした経験数

Their own development コーチ自身が取り組んでいる自己開発

You can really learn a lot about who your potential coach views the process of coaching based on whether they work with a coach themselves to help them with their on-going professional development?


Professional focus プロフェッショナルフォーカス

Who are they most of the time? A consultant, advisor, trainer who provides coaching on a tertiary basis? How much of their professional service is focused on executive coaching? There are many professionals using multiple titles.

コーチの中にも、複数のタイトルを活用する専門家が多く存在します。コンサルタント、顧問、研修トレーナーとしてなど、実際にコーチングを提供している分野を確認してください。エグゼクティブコーチング に フォーカス した コーチング を提供してきたことも重要な考慮点となります。

Challenge & collaboration チャレンジ&コラボレーション

Will your potential coach not only collaborate but challenge you as a leader? Would you feel comfortable being challenged in areas of your leadership by this potential coach?

あなたの求めるコーチは、協力を するだけではなく、コーチ自身が リーダー としてゴールへ向けて更なるチャレンジを促すコーチであるかを確認してください。また、同様にあなた自身もリーダーシップの発展のために、チャレンジングなコーチングを受け入れることができるかも考えてみてください。

Success measures 達成基準の明確化と測定

How do they support their client’s interests in measuring success?
How might they tailor this for your context? Would it be quantifiable?


Culture カルチャー

Does your potential coach have the right cultural background to interface with you and your stakeholders? Some of your stakeholders might appreciate a different cultural interface and language (i.e. English / Japanese).

あなたの求めるコーチは、あなたとステークホルダーのコミュニケーションを円滑に行うために適切なカルチャーバックグラウンドを備えているか確認してください。 あなたのステークホルダーの中には、異なる文化的インターフェースと言語(英語/日本語)がある場合があります。

Principle level 基本理解

Can they describe why coaching works at a fundamental level?
What principles do they believe in as an executive coach? How do those principles align with yours?

- コーチングがなぜ機能すると考えているのか
- エグゼクティブコーチとしてどのような原則を持っているか

Mission & aspirations ミッション&志望

Why are they a coach? What aspirations do they have as a coach? How might their own mission and aspirations be aligned with yours? Would you feel inspired to work with this professional?

- なぜコーチになったのか
- コーチとしてどのような志望をもっているか
- プロフェッショナルとしてインスピレーションを感じるか




The pursuit in generating tangible results has driven the coaching industry to develop a robust number of frameworks, models and assessments. Many clients are now concerned with knowing how many sessions there might be? What diagnostic tools will be applied? Whether the sessions will be face to face or by phone? How long will the process last for? Will there be interviews? Etc. The simple answer is – “it depends...”.





We believe that every executive’s needs are unique in their own right. We therefore take an approach which does not assume that one size fits all. We would rather tailor the tools (i.e. assessments) and the process to the client’s business context and hypothesis of success.



Time Frame


PRAXXIS places great emphasis in supporting executives to deliver organizational results by accelerating organizational change through strategically leading other leaders. In doing so we have found a number of timeless principles which apply to successful engagements. The interest in achieving tangible organizational results through renewed executive leadership has typically taken 8-10months to realize. One on one coaching sessions are usually set at a pace of every 3 weeks.

PRAXXISは、組織の変化を加速させるために戦略的に「周囲のリーダーをリードすること」でエグゼクティブの目標達成をサポートしています。PRAXXISのその独自のアプローチ方法は、無駄な時間を費やすことなくクライアントを成功へ導きます。新任のエグゼクティブパーソンが組織へ何かしらの具体的な良い影響をもたらすには、一般的には8〜10か月はかかると言われています。PRAXXIS では1回のコーチングセッションは、通常3週間ごとのペースで設定しています。




As PRAXXIS’s primary mission is to support leaders lead leaders, many of the tried and tested approaches applied during the coaching process encourages the development and alignment of goals between key stakeholders through a combination of 1:1 Coaching, Team Executive Coaching, Short Looped 2 Step Coaching and fully tailored Leader Course Corrective Feedback tools. PRAXXIS would be happy to schedule a meeting with you to discuss how it might support the success of your organization.

PRAXXISは、「周囲のリーダーをリードすること」に重点を置き、コーチングを実施しているため、基本は「1対1 コーチング」、「チームエグゼクティブコーチング」、「ショートループ2ステップコーチング」を軸に、一人一人のクライアントにカスタマイズされたフィードバックツール(アセスメント等)を活用して行います。

Contact us

3-21, Nishikicho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Japan
〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-21
