PRAXXIS supports organizations achieve their goals. In order to do so, our mission is to work with leaders to lead other leaders. We work with executives who are interested in exploring who they must be as leaders to effectively engage their organizational stakeholders. There is a lot of literature on the subject of leadership that describes how best to lead followers. We believe that executives face a different & sophisticated challenge of needing to work with other leaders which presents a very different dynamic. The success for an executive to effectively lead their organization(s) truly depends on their capability to lead their leaders.
There are a variety of coaches to choose from and it is critical to choose the right one for your needs. Here are 4 broad segments I have seen that you might wish to be aware of.
Coaching has been defined & delivered in multiple ways. As our client’s businesses have demanded that leaders and their businesses evolve, the function and form of coaching have undoubtedly developed over the years. Clients have
become increasingly strategic rather than tactical and prescriptive.
PRAXXIS emphasizes a style of coaching that places the onus on the client to articulate their desired goals instead of identifying and rectifying past problems. This might not sound particularly new to a seasoned leader who has
leveraged coaching before, but the current reality of many coaching conversations which take place today centers around prescribing solutions to fix issues of the past. Increased levels of prescription undoubtedly create
relationships of dependency and the lack of ownership.
PRAXXIS works with executives & senior leaders who recognize a close connection between the results their organization’s leaders are generating and their performance as a leader. They feel that there is further potential to be
gained through equipping themselves with increased levels of leadership effectiveness to engage their leaders differently.
しかし実際に、現在行われている多くの会話重視のコーチングスタイルは、過去の問題を解決するための処方箋的なソリューションにすぎません。処方箋を与えるスタイルの コーチングでは、クライアントとコーチの依存関係を生み出し、戦略性を欠くことにもつながってしまいます。
6-10months has passed since the new CEO was appointed. S/he wishes to lead the executive leadership team in a renewed way to align with strategic priorities and accountabilities.
A director of a department who needs to fulfill a broader scope of leadership due to organizational changes (i.e. merged & enlarged organizational structure).
A newly appointed leader who needs to drive an organization-wide transformational project as a result of an M&A. Goals have been quantified, a common culture of leadership has yet to be qualified.
Executive Coach
Adrian's areas of specialties are executive coaching & organizational change management for leaders who need to compete in an increasingly global working environment. Adrian has used his bi-cultural / bi-lingual background in many
multinational organizations. He is an executive coach with several international organizations where he specializes in developing strategies to instill & realize behavioral change at an organizational & executive level. In addition, he
has extensive experience working with executives working overseas who are faced with the challenge of finding an optimal leadership style that best leverages their local resources. Adrian has led executive planning/problem resolution
initiatives to help define the organization's vision, corporate values, results & performance indicators to achieve mid to long-term objectives.
Most importantly, Adrian's success lies in providing a sustainable structure that helps facilitate commitment & alignment towards strategic objectives. He focuses on instilling a methodological cycle to ensure that commitments are
realistic, met & reviewed for knowledge transfer & confidence gain. Adrian's personal & professional mission is to develop local leaders who can represent & articulate their perspectives globally.
日英バイリンガルのコンサルタントとして、グローバルな勤務環境で競争しなければならないリーダーに対しエグゼクティブ コーチングとチェンジ・マネジメントを提供。エグゼクティブに行動変容を浸透させ、組織の目的達成を実現するための戦略開発を中心としたコーチングを専門領域とする。