Leaders Leading Leaders


PRAXXIS supports organizations achieve their goals. In order to do so, our mission is to work with leaders to lead other leaders. We work with executives who are interested in exploring who they must be as leaders to effectively engage their organizational stakeholders. There is a lot of literature on the subject of leadership that describes how best to lead followers. We believe that executives face a different & sophisticated challenge of needing to work with other leaders which presents a very different dynamic. The success for an executive to effectively lead their organization(s) truly depends on their capability to lead their leaders.


4 broad segments of Coaching

There are a variety of coaches to choose from and it is critical to choose the right one for your needs. Here are 4 broad segments I have seen that you might wish to be aware of.

Life Coaching
Coaches who support people to achieve goals in everyday life (i.e. fitness, personal finances, etc.)
Assessment Coaching
Organizations that have developed a sophisticated array of diagnostic tools quite frequently employ accredited specialists to help their clients unpack the results to help identify strengths and potential blind spots of the assessed.
Business Coaching
Coaches who provide tailored advice based on their subject matter expertise to support their clients to develop particular competence which is often absent in the skill set. This form of coaching is frequently applied within Talent Management programs and/or with leaders with specific competency gaps.
Executive Coaching
Coaches who support executives to achieve their organization’s goals by building necessary capabilities and strategic relationships to achieve results systemically. Executive Coaches help their clients to create a hypothesis between their desired organizational state and who they need to be as leaders.


日常生活における、各目標に対してそれを達成するためのサポートをするコーチング(例:フィットネス、個人財務管理 等)

Who works with PRAXXIS?

Coaching has been defined & delivered in multiple ways. As our client’s businesses have demanded that leaders and their businesses evolve, the function and form of coaching have undoubtedly developed over the years. Clients have become increasingly strategic rather than tactical and prescriptive.
PRAXXIS emphasizes a style of coaching that places the onus on the client to articulate their desired goals instead of identifying and rectifying past problems. This might not sound particularly new to a seasoned leader who has leveraged coaching before, but the current reality of many coaching conversations which take place today centers around prescribing solutions to fix issues of the past. Increased levels of prescription undoubtedly create relationships of dependency and the lack of ownership.
PRAXXIS works with executives & senior leaders who recognize a close connection between the results their organization’s leaders are generating and their performance as a leader. They feel that there is further potential to be gained through equipping themselves with increased levels of leadership effectiveness to engage their leaders differently.

PRAXXISは、過去の問題を特定し修正するのではなく、今後の目標を明確にし、クライアントがその目標に責任をもつことのできるコーチングのスタイルを重視しています。 すでにコーチングを活用してきた成熟したリーダーにとっては、このスタイルは特に目新しいものではないかもしれません。
しかし実際に、現在行われている多くの会話重視のコーチングスタイルは、過去の問題を解決するための処方箋的なソリューションにすぎません。処方箋を与えるスタイルの コーチングでは、クライアントとコーチの依存関係を生み出し、戦略性を欠くことにもつながってしまいます。

Executive clients who partner with PRAXXIS:

  • Enjoys being a leader (i.e. Wants to vs. Has to).
  • Has a degree of self-awareness.
  • In a position where s/he needs to lead other leaders.
  • Wants to develop their edge as a professional leader in order to engage their own leaders to take greater accountability.
  • Willing to receive and explore new perspectives.
  • Proactive in continuing their professional development.
  • リーダーであることを自覚し、成長したいと望んでいる、またそのことに興味を抱いている。
  • 自己認識が高い。
  • 管理職に当たる部下を率いる立場にある。
  • 自身が率いるリーダー陣のアカウンタビリティを、より高めたいと考えている。
  • 新しい視点を受け入れ、より探求すべきと考えている。
  • プロフェッショナルとして自身をさらに発展させていきたいと考えている。

Executive clients who work with PRAXXIS:

  • Newly appointed CEO and his/her executive leadership team.
    6-10months has passed since the new CEO was appointed. S/he wishes to lead the executive leadership team in a renewed way to align with strategic priorities and accountabilities.

  • Director of a department and his/her senior leadership team.
    A director of a department who needs to fulfill a broader scope of leadership due to organizational changes (i.e. merged & enlarged organizational structure).

  • A leader of an organizational-wide transformational project.
    A newly appointed leader who needs to drive an organization-wide transformational project as a result of an M&A. Goals have been quantified, a common culture of leadership has yet to be qualified.


MEET Adrian

Adrian G. Tsukamoto

Executive Coach

Adrian's areas of specialties are executive coaching & organizational change management for leaders who need to compete in an increasingly global working environment. Adrian has used his bi-cultural / bi-lingual background in many multinational organizations. He is an executive coach with several international organizations where he specializes in developing strategies to instill & realize behavioral change at an organizational & executive level. In addition, he has extensive experience working with executives working overseas who are faced with the challenge of finding an optimal leadership style that best leverages their local resources. Adrian has led executive planning/problem resolution initiatives to help define the organization's vision, corporate values, results & performance indicators to achieve mid to long-term objectives.
Most importantly, Adrian's success lies in providing a sustainable structure that helps facilitate commitment & alignment towards strategic objectives. He focuses on instilling a methodological cycle to ensure that commitments are realistic, met & reviewed for knowledge transfer & confidence gain. Adrian's personal & professional mission is to develop local leaders who can represent & articulate their perspectives globally.


日英バイリンガルのコンサルタントとして、グローバルな勤務環境で競争しなければならないリーダーに対しエグゼクティブ コーチングとチェンジ・マネジメントを提供。エグゼクティブに行動変容を浸透させ、組織の目的達成を実現するための戦略開発を中心としたコーチングを専門領域とする。






I always enjoy working with professional leaders. An experienced leader can create strategic synergies with a professional executive coach. Being coached gets you part of the way; knowing how to leverage your executive coach will produce breakthrough results. I support my clients in developing a higher degree of literacy on how best to leverage the coaching process to create partnership & synergy.

私は常にプロフェッショナルリーダーと共に働くことのできる環境に心から感謝をしています。クライアントも同様に、プロフェッショナル エグゼクティブ コーチである私と共に連携することで、彼らの組織をより戦略的に動かしていくための相乗効果を生みだしていけるのではないかという期待感を抱いてくださっていると思っています。エグゼクティブ コーチを積極的に活用いただくことで、画期的な成果を残されたクライアントもいらっしゃいます。パートナーシップを育みながら、みなさんのリーダーとしての次なるステップをサポートさせていただければ幸いです。

CEO / Public Relations

I worked with Adrian over a number of months in an executive coaching program. Without hesitation I say that this program was one of the best development programs I have ever done. This was very much due to Adrian's thoughtful and tailored approach. In programs such as this it is easy for the coach to rely on the tools and the theory but Adrian was very careful to make sure that each session was measured and tailored to enable me to extract the very best value.

Country Executive / Banking

I had the pleasure of working with Adrian over the course of a year on several different coaching projects. Throughout, he demonstrated himself to be professional, thoughtful, flexible and most importantly, effective in leading individuals and teams to a better place in terms of their coaching styles and approaches. He was easy to work with, excellent in brainstorming sessions and always focused on the ultimate goal. The results for one of our longer term team exercises was outstanding, with everyone more engaged, more energized and more convinced of the benefits of working together as a team to achieve our goals. I give full credit to Adrian for a well designed and well executed series of programs and would recommend him highly.

副社長 / 製造メーカー

Step 1: 私自身のリーダーとしての現状、組織の現状を把握
Step 2: 将来に向けてどのようなリーダーとなりたいか、どのような組織を構築したいかというビジョンの設定
Step 3: それに向けた改善プランの立案。そして、ラーニングと行動改善
Step 4: 定期的なインタビューやオンライン調査による進捗管理・モニタリング
- Step 1&2に多くの時間を割くことが有益であった。しっかりとした自己認識・現状把握が行われ、リーダーとしてどうあるべきか将来像が明確になった。リーダーシップとは最終的にはスキルではなく、個人の信念や価値観が行動、発言などに反映される。その為、自分自身の信念や価値観を顧みることにより、その後のリーダーシップ改善に大きくつながった。
- そのプロセスの中で、Adrianとのコーチングは非常に価値があった。彼とのオープンな会話・意見交換を通じて、多くのことを学び、気づきがありました。これを可能にしたのは、Adrianの信頼構築能力、傾聴する力、客観的なフィードバック、常にサポーターでいるという姿勢によるものです。
- 技術的な知識・スキルと異なり、リーダーシップの改善は予想以上に時間がかかり、難しいものです。特に多くの経験・成功体験をもつエグゼクティブにとっては、今までのアプローチ・行動を変えることは非常に困難です。そのリーダーシップ改善という大きな課題において、目に見える形で改善できたのも、Adrianという信頼できるコーチからサポートを受けたからだと感謝しています。

Regional Chief Financial Officer / Insurance

I had the pleasure of working with Adrian over a period of 12 months with the goal of strengthening the teamwork within our leadership group. Rather than directly providing advice, Adrian always asked me probing questions about the rationale underlying my proposed approach. Through such probing, and the self-reflection it engendered, Adrian encouraged me to more deeply consider how to tailor my leadership style to allow each member of the team to increase their individual contribution and jointly create a stronger team with a very positive outcome for both my team and myself. Adrian is an excellent coach in that he doesn’t tell you what to do but rather provides the framework and encouragement for you to figure it out for yourself.

事業部 部長 / 総合化学メーカー


Managing Director / Consulting

Base on years of study and real world experience, Adrian has developed a rare combination and depth of skills as a Leadership Coach and in realizing and instilling behavioral change for individuals and organizations.
He has highly accurate listening and feedback skills, which he combines with a light, gentle approach allowing him to convey his insights in understandable and actionable terms. Through his work on large merger and integration projects, Adrian has also developed significant skills in planning change and leading teams across organizational silos to embed new practices – in this area I have observed Adrian working just as effectively in the executive suite as on the shop floor. As a Coach or change leader/implementer, I can highly recommend Adrian.

Managing Director / Automotive

It is a great delight to be able to advise that I hired Adrian whilst working in Asia Pacific. At the time I held the position of Managing Director and Adrian worked to assist me with the regional implementation of a three year program which was facilitated by him on behalf of our organization which was extremely successful.
The main success of our program was however as a result of Adrian's unique ability to make people totally at ease coupled with his outstanding multilingual talents. I would have no hesitation whatsoever in strongly recommending Adrian as a consummate professional in all aspects of his work with our organization.

事業部 部長 / 総合化学メーカー



エイドリアンのコーチングについて、私の経験をシェアしたいと思います。数年前に現在の会社に転職し、色々な事象を見聞きする中で、「目標達成の為に考える組織」を創り上げる事こそが私の使命だと確信しました。そこで、エイドリアンと相談して目標達成の為、3つの基本方針、即ち、(1)ダイレクトレーポートである部下と1時間/月の面談を実施する (2)部下が自分の組織を「目標達成の為に考える組織」に進化せせるため、彼ら自身の目標を可能なかぎり具体化して行動できるよう、私自身が最大限のサポートする。又、この事を部下にハッキリ伝る。(3)解決すべき課題がある場合は、彼らに何故それが課題となるのか?その根源が何であるのかを彼ら自身が考える様に私から質問する。
上記の3つを覚悟を決めて1年間やり通しました。もちろん、その期間中は、エイドリアンと私が定期手に面談し、二人で協力して、私自身の潜在的課題は何か? その課題を克服するために私は何をすべきなのかを具体化し行動に移して行き、結果として、部下との素晴らしいコミュニケーションと好業績を得ることができました。なによりも、私の部下が、私の手法と同様の手法で彼らの部下とコミュニケーションしだしたこと、即ち、「考える組織」を実践してくれていることを誇らしく思っています。
エイドリアンのコーチングは、課題の解決策を明示することでもなく、又、私に課題を教えてくれることではありませんでした。しかし、潜在的課題を顕在化させるために的確な助言を与え、それを解決するための実行プランを私自身が策定できるよう助言をくれました。 組織に革新をもたらしたいと思っている方々に、私の経験談が役立てば幸いです。

Ambassador at WTO/OECD

I had a highly enriching experience in executive coaching with Mr. Adrian Tsukamoto. In the course of six months he facilitated a very effective methodology that was catered to my professional needs.
His global perspective was a constant reassurance of his understanding of international business and relations, both through his local knowledge of the Japanese culture combined with his broad worldview. He portrayed the Japanese formality of interpersonal relationships with the western joviality that I was more accustomed to.
During the span of our executive coaching, I became aware of the importance of setting long-term goals and configuring a strategy to achieve them. Moreover, the awareness I developed throughout our engagement allowed me to make the necessary pauses to reflect upon two different paths that are sometimes confused because they run parallel: professional and personal.
I feel I have changed my outlook on both paths significantly. If I could describe it with an analogy, I would say that I had been walking forward while looking through a rear-view mirror, and now I am looking forward with a vision of present and future challenges that lie ahead and walking that distance. This has made me feel more confident and in control of the work needed to complete tasks and plan the next ones. Moreover, I feel I have gained important skills to better allocate my time on an increasingly busy professional and personal lifestyle.
Through Adrian’s leadership I was able to strengthen mine significantly. I was humbled by the realization of how relevant and necessary it is to have someone lead your way from one stage of professional and personal life onto the next.
I strongly recommend Adrian’s executive coaching. Even if you are a frequent traveler and find it difficult to schedule your sessions in person, he is versatile enough to facilitate them virtually, like he did twice with me.
I hope you find your experience in coaching as transformative as mine.

Director / Pharmaceutical

Our organization has employed the consulting & coaching services of Mr. Adrian G. Tsukamoto to assist us in a number of strategic organizational development initiatives ranging from Change Management to Post Merger Cultural Integration projects since 2008.
Mr. Tsukamoto has worked closely in partnership with the senior management team to ensure we delivered projects that focused on what was required each & every time. His coach approach to engaging ‘Initiating’ & ‘Sustaining’ sponsors has frequently allowed many to realize the higher intent of key initiatives before focusing on specific tasks. His bi-cultural capabilities have also been an asset while coaching people to achieve vertical & horizontal alignment on purpose, process & outcomes.
The outcome of Mr. Tsukamoto’s support has been impressive and the results have been tangible. During a strategic multi-month change management initiative - in helping to transform the commercial organization to become more customer centric – Mr. Tsukamoto worked in close collaboration providing consulting & coaching for an elite special cross functional change advocate team to design, develop and install a vehicle to accelerate a positive shift in mindset & behaviors. After many months of focused effort to realize our desired reality, I was pleased to observe tangible results in both leading (i.e. employee perception) & lagging indicators (i.e. customer perception). The series of strategy cascading interventions aimed at various tiers of our organization provided positive developments with how our targeted district managers began to perceive strategy & commitment. Such changes were evident when we asked a number of questions before & after such interventions.
The impact of consistent application of performance behaviors was later observed after monthly surveys were conducted with targeted doctors. Customer perceptions towards our most important product line improved dramatically from 5th place to number 2 when compared with our competitors.
In the following year, Mr. Tsukamoto partnered with us to design a multi-tier post-merger cultural integration project to create a united organizational culture we called the ‘Social Operating System’. This was to ensure that our commercial organization successfully made necessary internal transitions to ensure that the end customer was in mind. Mr. Tsukamoto’s direct involvement in helping to articulate both key success criteria (i.e. employee confidence & commitment towards the new organization) and measurement systems provided us with a high degree of control & versatility in ensuring that necessary actions were taken to keep efforts on track. All managers were held accountable for their efforts and were given opportunities & competencies to unite & build their organizations. Much of the process involved managers owning and publicly delivering ‘teachable’ points of view to convince the field force towards a common purpose & direction.
Based on both subjective & objective criteria, our internal campaign in creating one organizational culture through development of common values, leadership behaviors, roles & responsibilities & shared experiences enabled our employees to become more confident in representing one firm. Such changes were again evident when we asked a number of questions before & after a series of interventions. This development in positive perception has been impressive considering the amount of time spent and the numbers of internal changes that have happened.
Although still ongoing, our monthly post-merger integration milestone reports are also steadily showing improvements in levels of confidence & expectations towards the renewed potential of the organization.
I am currently observing a higher degree of emphasis being placed on external customer focused activities as opposed to internally focused reactive mindsets and behaviors. In summary, Mr. Tsukamoto has displayed a consistent degree of passion and professionalism. I am confident in saying that Mr. Tsukamoto has exceeded my expectations by challenging the operational paradigms in which many of us worked in. Our bi-annual organizational engagement survey scores have improved dramatically (when compared with our organization’s global benchmarking scores) over the past two years.
There were three categories which we were pleased to see improvements in:
(78.3%↑) in “Strategic Direction & Intent”
(82.9%↑) in “Goals & Objectives”
(120%↑) in “Customer Focus”
I am confident that Mr. Tsukamoto played a pivotal role in doing so. As our post-merger initiatives begin to take root in a positive way, we look forward to exploring new approaches with Mr. Tsukamoto to truly leverage the potential capabilities we now have.

Director / Banking

Adrian is extremely knowledgeable about people, especially people leadership. He is able to give sound and practical advice in any situation involving people or motivation, even the most difficult ones. Above all, he has demonstrated true solid integrity, consistently valuing genuinely inspiring people and building lasting relationships, rather than short term easy solutions that would not stand the test of time.

Solution Division Vice President / Advertising

Adrian is an excellent coach in this global keen business circumstances.
I discussed with my colleagues under his lead about very severe subject, but he chaired the session with kindly and effectively, we reached the most ideal goal we could imagined.

Global Commercial Lead / Pharmaceutical

I had the pleasure of receiving leadership coaching from Adrian for about 12 months. It is still an ongoing process, however to date I have found the coaching has significantly impacted my leadership effectiveness.
It has been a tough process of self-reflection that has been facilitated through in-depth discussion, as well as with the use of analytical tools. This has in turn led to some leadership behavioral changes, including adapting my communication style and improving my team coaching skills. I believe these changes have significantly improved my ability to lead my team.
I can only highly recommend Adrian as a global leadership coach. He has unique understanding and flexibility to work across cultures, has great insights and tools, as well as an approach that gently brings you to that point where you are willing to accept and commit to addressing those development areas you have always been so eager to hide.

Marketing Director / Automotive

I have worked with Adrian G. Tsukamoto for close to 8 months. I have appreciated his professional authenticity in trying to realize the aspirations that I have for my organization and as a leader. His coaching has allowed me to clearly articulate my desired organizational and leadership performance goals. Adrian's cultural intelligence and on-going systemic coaching process has helped me gain higher levels of alignment with my key global & local stakeholders which has in turn greatly improved the way I engage them. Adrian has also supported me in quantifying areas of organizational & leadership performance which has allowed me to gain in-depth feedback and measure my success over time. I truly believe that my awareness as a leadership has improved over time. As I prepare to extend my work with Adrian for another term, I would highly recommend him as a global executive coach.

Head of Corporate Real Estate and General Services / Banking

Merrill Lynch have employed the consulting services of Mr. Adrian G. Tsukamoto for three years, to assist us in a number of major organizational development projects.
Key achievements:
[First Year]
• Instilled “service culture” mentality
• Instilled confidence by coaching selected outsourced staff prior to working with the full time employees
• Established concrete measurable goals to address customer service issues
[Second Year]
• Developed a clearer understanding of MLCS’s current Brand Image through customer insight & in depth analysis of research
• Co-created a clear vision of MLCS's strengths & abilities to meet customer expectations
• Established concrete action plans
[Third Year]
• Articulated & helped embed our winning behaviors
• Instilled a performance management culture
• Ensured industry best practice importation through external site visits & subsequent cross training & on-going process coaching to achieve raised CS levels
Mr. Tsukamoto brought a lot of eye opening experiences to all of us during our time together. His preparation, communication skills, & passion was very professional which motivated our management team during the preparation & roll out phases. His facilitation & group coaching of our meetings was second to none receiving almost perfect scores on post action reports. His bilingual capability also helped to bridge the gap in communication between Japanese & non-Japanese employees during such meeting. I am confident in saying that all of our objectives for 2005, 2006 & 2007 were fulfilled. Our dissatisfaction rate from our internal customers have decreased from 21.5% to 7.1% in three years.

Managing Executive Officer / Retail

I really enjoyed working together with Adrian. He made a big impact on my global executive team. It was great experience to learn a methodology of change management.

Head of Talent Management / Manufacturing

Adrian had a good understanding of getting the best out of our executives who he worked with. His excellent global communication ability meant that he quickly gained the respect and credibility of all the participants of out training programs.

社長 / 動物薬業界


昨年私の代表取締役就任に伴い、AdrianにExecutive Coachとしてコーチングを担当いただき、その結果私の組織に大きな成長を、そして成功をもたらすことができました。

Adrianのコーチングでまず特筆すべき点として、通常よくある問題解決型のアプローチではなく、あくまでも組織の中長期的な目標を達成するにあたり、リーダーである自分はどうあるべきかに主眼を置いている点があげられます。 まさにリーダーとしての「自己発見の旅」です。 様々な角度からの質問、フィードバックを通し、それまで自分では気づいていなかった、意識していなかった自分自身に気づき、自分が目指すべきリーダー像が明確になります。





I had the great pleasure of working with Adrian over the course of a year on a coaching/team building project. He was very professional, thoughtful, flexible and most importantly, bridged the bi-lingual and bi-cultural gap on my team to enable us to be effective in leading me, my directors and the team to a better place in terms of our coaching styles, communication and leadership approaches. Adrian was easy to work with we got various feedback that need us to be flexible with our plan. He is great at brainstorming sessions, drawing people out and is always focused on the ultimate goal. The results for one of our team exercises was for people to have difficult conversations. Another session had us focus on the future. This resulted in everyone being more engaged , more energized and more convinced of the benefits of working together as a team to achieve our goals to drive the company forward. Thanks to Adrian for a well designed and well executed series of coaching that clearly helped my team to bond and communicate better with deeper understanding of each other. I would highly recommend Adrian.

Director / Banking

You may have heard of “life changing experience”, you will have to work with Adrian to really understand what it means. Adrian takes an unique approach in which he doesn’t recommend what to do but rather provides the framework and encouragement to navigate and discover what was missing. I would highly recommend Adrian any day for people who are transitioning into a senior leadership roles.

Representative Director & President / Pharmaceutical

I had the pleasure of working with Adrian over the past 18 months where he worked closely with me to strengthen the operational culture of our Japan Leadership Team and more recently help align us towards our renewed strategic narrative. His ability to engage my team bi-culturally through a combination both executive team and 1:1 coaching interventions has helped us articulate both explicit & implicit aspects of how we wish to lead our own organization. My Japan Leadership Team gained true insights on how to better communicate our strategic direction in an authentic way with the greater management population generating both curiosity and engagement. The overall experience working with Adrian has been very positive not only for my team but for me in Japan as a leader too. I look forward to my continued work with Adrian as we enter our next stage of strategic realization.

社長 / コンサルティング


Vice President / Pharmaceutical

Adrian has been a critical component of our change management journey. His ability to engage people and teams through cultural understanding is a unique value. Adrian has worked extremely successfully with group coaching through change and also 1:1 coaching. His involvement has had significant impact on our ability to achieve cultural goal shifts. I recommend him very strongly.

Contact us

3-21, Nishikicho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Japan
〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-21
